Survival from SCA is a Systems Problem That Requires Systems Thinking for Improvement

"Systems thinking" is a way of thinking about complex and systemic problems such as survival from SCA. Design methodologies are ways of solving—or dissolving – systems problems. We argue that the failure to make significant improvement in SCA survival over the past four decades is due in part to the failure to apply systems thinking and design methodologies.

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Classic Papers


  • CPR Design Project
    For spring 2013, we will focus on creating the ideal design for learning and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and using an automated external defibrillator (AED). Millions of people have received CPR and AED training, but evidence shows very few learn or perform when the opportunity presents itself. We will approach this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous problem from a different perspective than used previously.
  • AED Crowdsourcing, Social Media, Mobile Game Project
    The Penn MyHeartMap Team, a collaboration of scientists, researchers, educators and students, is initiating the MyHeartMap Challenge project to locate installed AEDs in Philadelphia.

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