Larry M Starr
My consulting has been in strategic thinking and practice across many industry sectors although primarily health care and higher education with a focus on use of systems and design thinking and practice to better understand and to solve complex challenges. My projects have been in strategic start-up, opportunity development and growth, innovation, and leadership development. My health care projects have included writing guidelines and position papers, designing and implementing curricula, and program leadership. My higher education projects have included designing and building academic degree programs and communities of practice. As an entrepreneur, I created and developed three companies and was Corporate Director of Medical Research, Education and Training for two global medical device and education companies.
In 2014, I received appointments as Executive Fellow and Director of Applied Research for the Iacocca Institute at Lehigh University. Previously, I had designed and directed an interdisciplinary Doctor of Management (DMgt) in Strategic Leadership degree program and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Complex Systems Leadership degree program at Thomas Jefferson University. I also hold an appointment as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Systems Science in the Department of Medical Education of the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.
From 2002-2013, I was Executive Director and Academic Chair of Organizational Dynamics graduate degree programs at the University of Pennsylvania. Between 1984 and 2002, I held appointments at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine where I designed and directed their MS in Organization Development and Leadership program, and at Villanova University where I taught psychology and administrative decision making. I a member of numerous professional communities including the New York Academy of Sciences, New England Complex Systems Institute, and Academy of Management. I am an editorial reviewer for Journal of Intelligence, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and Academy of Management. I have published and delivered research and practice resulting in more than 160 academic papers, chapters, and books, and have supervised the dissertations and theses for more than 100 graduate students.
Born in Toronto, I earned a BA in psychology from Western University, an MS in experimental psychology from Villanova University, and supported as a Canada Council Doctoral Fellow (renamed, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), a PhD in social-industrial-organizational psychology from University of Windsor.
- CV August 2021