Chris Feigl
I am a consultant, researcher and education manager engaged in a long term education management project within the College of Excellence program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I have been overseeing components of a start-up operation here—building and managing teams, developing business systems and processes, and managing operations.
Previously, in Australia, I was engaged in academic research which included working in choice modelling and mathematical psychology at the University of Technology, Sydney. I have also worked in the adventure tourism industry in Australia guiding climbing and hiking expeditions in a variety of temperate, arid and tropical environments. I am passionate about the outdoors and continue to pursue mountaineering as well as other land and aquatic interests whenever possible.
I graduated summa cum laude earning a BSc in Physics at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia then earned a PhD in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia's government agency for scientific research. My research publications have been in quantum mechanical thermodynamics and molecular dynamics of nanomaterials.